Below are the various attributes you can assign to the component. Utilizing them can allow for modifications to the pre-created object.
Zero True Component

Example Usage

import zero_true as zt

sample_rating = zt.Rating(
  id = 'sample_rating',  # Unique id for a component
  value = 0,  # Current value of the rating
  length = 5,  # Number of rating icons
  hover = True,  # Provides visual feedback when hovering over icons
  size = 'default',  # Size of the rating icons
  color = 'primary',  # Color of the rating icons when active
  active_color = 'primary',  # The applied color when the component is in an active state
  half_increments = False,  # Allows for half-increment ratings
  readonly = False,  # Removes all hover effects and pointer events
  density = 'default',  # Adjusts the vertical height used by the component
  disabled = False,  # Removes the ability to click or target the component
  item_aria_label = '$vuetify.rating.ariaLabel.item',  # Aria label for each item
  item_label_position = 'top',  # Position of item labels
  item_labels = None,  # Array of labels to display next to each item
  ripple = False,  # Applies the v-ripple directive