Notebook Mode

To explore data and develop your notebook, launch with:

zero-true notebook

App Mode

App mode will show you what your application will look like when you share it. To run your application in app mode, simply run:

zero-true app

In app mode, you can see the dashboard you have created and test out all functionality before sharing with your users and stakeholders.

Converting Jupyter Notebooks to Zero-True Notebooks

Zero-True provides a CLI command to convert Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) to Zero-True notebooks (.ztnb). This guide explains the conversion process, available options, and important considerations for ensuring successful conversion.

The basic syntax for converting a notebook is:

zt jupyter-convert <input_notebook.ipynb> [output_path.ztnb]

Command Arguments

input-notebook.ipynb: Required

The path to your Jupyter notebook file.

output-path.ztnb: Optional

The destination path for the converted Zero-True notebook. If not specified, defaults to notebook.ztnb in the current directory.

Important Conversion Notes

When converting Jupyter notebooks to Zero-True notebooks, please be aware of the following:

1. Visualizations:

Jupyter visualization libraries (matplotlib, plotly, etc.) need to be manually converted to use Zero-True’s visualization components.

Replace the components in Jupyter with equivalent Zero-True components for optimal performance.

2. Magic Commands:

Jupyter magic commands (%%time, %matplotlib, etc.) are not supported in Zero- True. You’ll need to replace these with standard Python code or Zero-True alternatives.

3. Dependencies:

Zero-True manages dependencies differently from Jupyter. Make sure to:

  1. Update import statements to use Zero-True’s component library where applicable.

  2. Review any external library usage and ensure compatibility.

After conversion, review your notebook to ensure all visualizations and interactive elements are properly adapted to the Zero-True compatible components to ensure seamless functionality within the Zero-True environment.