Below are the various attributes you can assign to the component. Utilizing them can allow for modifications to the pre-created object.
Zero True Component

Example Usage

import zero_true as zt

sample_rangeslider = zt.RangeSlider(
  id = 'sample_rangeslider',  # Unique id for a component
  value = [0, 100],  # Current value range of the slider
  min = 0,  # Minimum value of the slider
  max = 100,  # Maximum value of the slider
  step = 1,  # Step increment of the slider
  thumb_label = 'always',  # Displays the thumb label
  thumb_size = 0,  # Size of the thumb
  tick_labels = False,  # Displays the tick labels
  ticks = [],  # Displays the ticks
  color = 'primary',  # Color of the range slider. Can be custom or standard Material color
  size = 'large',  # Size of the slider
  label = None,  # A label for your slider
  rounded = True,  # Determines if the slider has rounded edges