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Local State
You can define a dictionary using the following code that can contain objects that do not abide by the linear execution model of the notebook:
import zero_true as zt
local_state = zt.state()
local_state.setdefault('counter', 0)
button = zt.Button(id='button')
if button.value:
local_state['counter'] += 1
This example will create a button that increments a counter every time it is clicked. The counter will persist across runs while a normal counter variable would be reset on each run. These state objects will be local to each user of an app.
Global State
A global state dictionary is also available to be utilized that behaves similarly to the local state but is shared across all users. Here is an example:
import zero_true as zt
zt.global_state.setdefault('counter', 0)
button = zt.Button(id='button')
if button.value:
zt.global_state['counter'] += 1
Changes to this dictionary will not be broadcasted to all users but on subsequent runs the changes will be reflected in each user’s app.